Quizzes What Are My Dominant Personality Traits? Take the Quiz and Find Out By Kate Nelson Kate Nelson Kate Nelson is the relationships editor and contributing writer at Verywell Mind. Learn about our editorial process and Nick Ingalls, MA Nick Ingalls, MA Nick Ingalls, MA is the editorial director at Verywell Mind, managing new content production and editorial processes. Learn about our editorial process Published on February 14, 2024 Learn more." tabindex="0" data-inline-tooltip="true"> Reviewed Verywell Mind articles are reviewed by mental health professionals. Reviewers confirm the content is thorough and accurate, reflecting the latest evidence-based research. Content is reviewed before publication and upon substantial updates. Learn more. by Rachel Goldman, PhD, FTOS Reviewed by Rachel Goldman, PhD, FTOS Rachel Goldman, PhD FTOS, is a licensed psychologist, clinical assistant professor, speaker, wellness expert specializing in eating behaviors, stress management, and health behavior change. Learn about our Review Board Print Verywell / Bailey Mariner. Table of Contents View All Table of Contents Take the Free Personality Test Who Is This Quiz For? What This Test Actually Says About Your Personality Trending Videos Close this video player Personality is a major part of what defines us as human beings because it combines all the emotional, behavioral, and intellectual components of how we interact with the world. Take the Free Personality Test While there may be certain fixed elements of our personalities, they generally develop as a result of our environments, meaning our experiences throughout our lives have the power to influence our personas. Take this personality test to find out your dominant traits. The ‘nature vs. nurture’ argument is still being hotly debated, but we do know for certain that past experiences shape the way we react to things in the present. These baked-in responses can then contribute to what we’d call a ‘personality’ —patterns we notice and perpetuate over time that come to define us. — HANNAH OWENS, LMSW Who Is This Quiz For? The funny thing about personality is that we might have an idea about our own, and our friends could have an entirely different perspective. That’s why we as humans are drawn to tests like these because they can give us more objective information about who we are. So basically, when we take the time to understand ourselves better, it can also help us acknowledge our own strengths, sensitivities, and things we’d like to work on. The truth is, there are numerous ways to assess your personality and plenty of reasons to do so. Whether it’s Myers-Briggs, DISC, the Big 5, or your astrological birth chart, a single personality quiz certainly can’t provide all the answers, nor are they hard science. This quiz includes six different personality types or general character categories you could classify yourself as, but it is by no means an exhaustive explanation of who you are. That being said, if you’re on the journey of learning more about yourself, it’s a good place to start. Our goal is to provide a little clarity around a certain aspect of your personality that you add to your self-discovery toolkit. “Because there are so many aspects of our lives that shape our decisions, opinions, and feelings, no one personality quiz is going to illuminate them all,” says Owens. “But it’s a jumping-off point if you’d like to learn more about why you make the choices you make, why you react to certain things in certain ways, and what your tendencies might be in the future.” Reasons to Learn More About Your Personality Type What This Test Actually Says About Your Personality Sorry to get a little cliche, but it’s worth saying: We are all multidimensional beings made up of a million pieces of colorful glass glued together. These complex and beautiful mosaics look different depending on the lighting, so it’s tough to find the exact words to describe them. This quiz is just one lens of analysis, but it’s helpful if you’re aware of the larger picture and curious about reflecting more closely on certain aspects of yourself. For instance, this quiz may tell you you have more introverted tendencies. Does this mean you are a shy, timid little mouse incapable of being social or going to parties? Hell no! But it could highlight a more dominant part of your personality that could be influencing your day-to-day life. Being on the shy side isn’t a bad thing, but it’s important to have confidence as well—perhaps that’s something you could get better at! Conversely, this quiz might confirm that you’re usually the most enthusiastic and charming person in the room. This is a good thing, certainly, but it could bring up some points of introspection. Are you taking enough time for yourself to rest and recharge? Could any of your charm be rooted in people-pleasing tendencies? Again, there’s nothing wrong with having dominant elements of your personality—no one is perfectly balanced—but it’s healthy to ask yourself these kinds of questions from time to time. “We’re all experts about ourselves, but even experts still have things to learn,” adds Owens. “Digging deeper into your personality can only lead to more self-awareness and more self-empathy.” You can also have your friends and family take this quiz for you and see what results they come up with (or vice versa). This is a fun and interesting way to see if the way you view your own personality is comparable to how others see you. Which Human Emotion Are You? Take the Quiz See Our Editorial Process Meet Our Review Board Share Feedback Was this page helpful? Thanks for your feedback! What is your feedback? Helpful Report an Error Other Submit