Relationships How Important Is It to Find Closure? By Candis McDow Candis McDow Candis McDow is from Atlanta, GA, and has been a mental health advocate since 2014. She has lived experience and charges to bring awareness to the oblivious and provide hope to peers. Learn about our editorial process Updated on February 12, 2024 Learn more." tabindex="0" data-inline-tooltip="true"> Reviewed Verywell Mind articles are reviewed by mental health professionals. Reviewers confirm the content is thorough and accurate, reflecting the latest evidence-based research. Content is reviewed before publication and upon substantial updates. Learn more. by Sabrina Romanoff, PsyD Reviewed by Sabrina Romanoff, PsyD Dr. Sabrina Romanoff, PsyD, is a licensed clinical psychologist and a professor at Yeshiva University’s clinical psychology doctoral program. Learn about our Review Board Print Catherine Falls Commercial / Getty Images Table of Contents View All Table of Contents Drawbacks of Closure When It Isn't an Option Ways to Get Closure Do You Really Need It? Trending Videos Close this video player Closure is something we seek at the finality of something. We might desire closure after a romantic relationship ends, for example, or after a parent dies to help us deal with our grief. In other cases, we might want closure after ending a toxic relationship with a friend or family member. When searching for closure, the main goal is to get answers to unresolved matters. But is it worth the hassle or is it better to leave things as they are and move on? Learn why closure might keep you from healing, what happens when you seek it, and how to get closure if that's what you need most. Dealing With Depression After a Breakup The Drawbacks of Seeking Closure Although it may seem that seeking closure would be a good thing, it does have some drawbacks. Closure Can Prevent Healing Seeking closure from someone can be a trap says ICF Certified Life & Relationship Coach Rachel Kuhlen of Realize You Coaching, for the following reasons: It can become a crutch that keeps you from doing the work necessary to move forward. You're asking someone who was not forthright with you to tell you what happened. (If they had been open and honest in the first place, you wouldn't need closure). There are no guarantees the other person will be honest with you. The amount of closure you get might feel unsatisfying, so you might question whether it's enough. When something is lost or taken away, healing should be the main priority. To do this, we have to accept what once was is no longer present and work through those emotions. This perspective questions the intention behind needing closure. What happens after you've heard the other person's side? If they don't say what you need or you find their words hard to accept, what's next? Searching for closure might be an excuse to hold on to something that no longer serves you. Closure Could Be a Trigger In terms of mental health, a trigger is an event, thought, or person that negatively affects our emotional state. According to Kuhlen, an attempt to get closure may trigger or amplify existing insecurities, sometimes even leading to new insecurities. For example, if your partner no longer wants to be in a relationship with you, you might want to ask them why. Doing this is an attempt at getting closure. While you might want to understand why things are ending, finding out this information could be triggering. In many instances, you will never be 100% certain if the other person is honest with you, and you might question what they've told you. Sometimes, we are triggered by how we interpret their responses. Here are some examples of what a former partner might say if we ask why the relationship is over versus ways we might interpret what their responses mean: What They Say I don't love you anymore. I found someone else. I need time/space. I'm not ready. You're too needy. What You Think They Mean I'm not worth loving. I'm not enough. I'm too needy. I pushed too hard. I expected too much. It's easy to overthink statements such as these when in search of things that have been left unsaid or unresolved. But sometimes, things are better off left unsaid—you might find that ignorance is bliss. When Closure Isn't an Option In many instances, closure may not be an option. If someone has passed away, for instance, you cannot receive closure. And if a romantic relationship has ended, the other person may be unwilling or unable to give you the closure you need. So, what happens when you don't receive it? Are you better off not knowing? Are you sparing yourself additional heartache and confusion? According to Sara Makin, M.S.Ed.,NCC, LPC, the founder & CEO of Makin Wellness, people often feel rejected if they don't get closure. However, they are also typically still emotionally invested in the relationship and, because of this, seeking closure can interfere with healing. Additionally, sometimes the other person may be against helping you obtain closure. If this is so, you'll have to take it upon yourself to find other means to get closure for the good of your own mental health. Ways to Get Closure While not everyone receives closure, fortunately, some strategies can help bring relief and peace as we accept the ending of a relationship and begin to move forward in life. The end goal is peace, so finding closure on any level is a win. Here are some ways to bring yourself some closure when you need it. Write a Letter Write the other person a letter. It could even be a 'goodbye' letter, allowing you to say everything you weren't able to. Regardless of the type of letter, the important thing here is that you get your emotions out. Expressive writing can facilitate emotional healing. By simply writing everything out, you are releasing your sad and negative energy. It's entirely up to you whether you actually send the letter or not. The Benefits of Writing Letters Embrace the Tears Crying is one of the best ways to release difficult emotions. Releasing these emotions is important because keeping them in may reduce our immunity while also increasing our risk of both physical and mental health conditions, including cardiovascular disease, hypertension, anxiety, and depression. Plus, once you're done crying, you generally feel better. It is hard to lose people in your life, and it's even harder to try to mask those feelings. Let it out and when you're done, let it go. Enjoy Your Solitude Have you ever taken yourself out on a date? Try it once and you might just realize that you enjoy your own company. Doing things alone can be so empowering. You don't have to ask anyone what they have a taste for, share anything, wait to order out of consideration for your guest, or pay for anyone but yourself. Long gone are the days of silent shame when going out alone was seen as a bad thing. Table for one, please! Find a New Hobby Hobbies are enjoyable. They're also a way to reduce stress. So, find something that brings you peace and happiness. Whether you like to color, paint, get pedicures, or shop, find something that makes you happy and do that. Hobbies are also great for improving your mental health. When you're doing something that makes you feel good, it's like giving yourself a gift every time you engage. How to Choose Hobbies for the New Year Accept Things as They Are The reality is that, with or without closure, the relationship has ended. While this may be a hard pill to swallow, face it head-on. In time, with effective coping skills, you will recover. You will meet someone else, make a new friend, or cultivate stronger bonds with others you already know. That relationship didn't work out for a reason. You may not know that reason right now, but in time it will make sense. Acceptance is a good first step to healing, and once you heal, you can move forward. How to Get Over Someone Do You Really Need Closure? You may or may not. You're the best gauge of what you need. No one else can determine whether or not you need closure or how much of it you need. Keep in mind, though, that you may not get the kind of closure that you're looking for. Are you prepared to hear something you don't like? What about the emotions that follow the conversation? Though there is hope for closure, it is not something that is often given; and when it is, the outcome is not what most expect. Instead, the most important thing is to take care of yourself no matter what happens because you are your main priority. Sometimes, the best closure is ridding yourself of whoever interferes with your happiness and focusing on the people and activities that bring happiness into your life. So, is closure important? You have to decide that for yourself and on your own terms. Maybe letting go is all the closure you really need. 'Time Heals All Wounds:' Is There Any Truth to This? 4 Sources Verywell Mind uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy. National Alliance on Mental Illness. Understanding mental illness triggers. Glass O, Dreusicke M, Evans J, Bechard E, Wolever RQ. Expressive writing to improve resilience to trauma: A clinical feasibility trial. Comp Ther Clin Pract. 2019;34:240-246. doi:10.1016/j.ctcp.2018.12.005 Harvard Health Publishing. Is crying good for you? Parkhurst E. How hobbies improve mental health. Utah State University. By Candis McDow Candis has been a mental health advocate since 2014. She has written several articles about mental illness, and her memoir Half the Battle (available on Amazon and encompasses her journey of living with bipolar disorder. See Our Editorial Process Meet Our Review Board Share Feedback Was this page helpful? Thanks for your feedback! What is your feedback? Helpful Report an Error Other Submit